Selling Your Property in Troy, OH? How To Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

Selling Your Property in Troy, OH? How To Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

If you spend enough time in real estate circles, you'll hear a tale from someone who sold their house as soon as it went on the market. You may even hear more impressive stories, like sellers who received competing offers from buyers desperate to secure their homes.

What unique quality makes these homes special? You might assume it's an impressive celebrity-style mansion, but that's not true. What successful property sales have in common are irresistible real estate listings.

Here is how to make your property listing stand out.

Use a Professional for Real Estate Listing Photos

A high-quality photo from a professional is the best way to do justice to your home. It will create a more striking first impression and showcase the best features.

A well-lit photograph will make an interior look more inviting and spacious. Great photography can make your outside space and views more appealing, helping to justify a higher asking price.

Add a Virtual Tour

People want more information about a home before booking an in-person visit. A virtual tour offers that, and it's certain to help your listings.

It's used to create an immersive experience, allowing the viewer to tour each room in the house. It gives viewers a better idea of the space and layout.

Write a Compelling Real Estate Listing Description

An accurate and well-written property description will be your first sales pitch. So, it's a vital part of your listing. Don't forget this also includes an attention-grabbing real estate listing headline.

Make sure you include some information about the unique features of the property. For example, add this information to the description if you have recently fitted some high-quality hardwood flooring.

You should also spend some time talking about the local amenities. People buy a home because of the location as much as the building.

So, if you are within walking distance of a beautiful park or the best restaurant in town, share that information in the listing.

Research the Local Area in Troy, OH

You can help your listing stand out by educating your audience about the local area. Start with some research. Find the local events and amenities that appeal most to your target buyer.

That could be top-rated schools, for example, if you are selling a family home. Or it could be community events if you sell to the retirement demographic.

Look at local tour guides to find something exciting and unique near your home. It could become an excellent selling point.

Don't Forget About Social Media

You don't have to rely on direct traffic if you want more views on your listing. You can do some marketing yourself, such as promoting your listing on social media.

It's a good way of helping your property get some attention before it's on a page with hundreds of other properties.

Getting the Most from Real Estate Listings

You may love your home, but to make others fall in love with it, you need to do some selling. Compelling real estate listings with fantastic descriptions and eye-catching photos are the best way to do that.

We can help with your marketing. Our expert team knows how to put together the best real estate listing. Find out more about PMI Oakridge Management's marketing services here.
